
Operational Excellence with Technology

Articles by Gregg Marshall

(see also blogging)

Gregg E. Marshall
"Ignorance is Bliss, Or How to Guarantee Poor Performance for the Systems Money You Spend," The Lewis Report, May-97

Gregg E. Marshall
"In-house Computer Network Cuts Time Walking Around, Saves on Hardware Needs," The Wholesaler, May-97

Gregg E. Marshall
"Let Me Count the Ways You'll Cut Costs Using an Electronic Catalogue," The Wholesaler, Apr-97

Gregg E. Marshall
"Find a Better Internet Service Provider," The Wholesaler, Mar-97

Gregg E. Marshall
"Modems because Your Computer Needs an On-line Gateway," The Wholesaler, Feb-97

Gregg E. Marshall
"Low-Cost Scanning Options?Part 2," Agency Sales, Feb-97

Gregg E. Marshall
"Computers and Reps," AIM/R News, January/February 1997

Gregg E. Marshall
"Low-Cost Scanning Options?Part 1," Agency Sales, Jan-97

Gregg E. Marshall
"Will Your Computers Make the 'Leap' to the Millenium?," TheWholesaler, Jan-97

Gregg E. Marshall
"Are you sure your computer isn't a bridge to the 19thCentury? Alas if it is," TheWholesaler, Dec-96

Gregg E. Marshall
"You're Going To Teach Me How To Sell???," Agency Sales, Dec-96

Gregg E. Marshall
"Selecting An Internet Service Provider," Hotline, November/December 1996

Gregg E. Marshall
"Putting Your Company on the World Wide Web," ASA News, November/December 1996

Gregg E. Marshall
"Try e-mail, you'll love it; here's how to get it free," TheWholesaler, Nov-96

Gregg E. Marshall
"Computers and Reps," Agency Sales, Nov-96

Gregg E. Marshall
"'Upgrade' your software by training your people," The Wholesaler, Oct-96

Gregg E. Marshall
"A Rep's Guide to the Internet," Hotline, September/October 1996

Gregg E. Marshall
"Manufacturers, You Need Both Source ASA and the Internet," ASANews, September/October 1996

Gregg E. Marshall
"In software, what's next will be on display at NEX," TheWholesaler, Sep-96

Gregg E. Marshall
"See You on the Information Superhighway," ASA News, July/August 1996

Gregg E. Marshall
"A Rep's Advice on Purchasing Computers," Hotline, July/August 1996

Gregg E. Marshall
"A Rep's Advice On Purchasing Computers," Hotline, July/August 1996

Gregg E. Marshall
"Year 2000: A New Millennium? Or the End of the World As We Know It? The Millennium Bug Waits," The Lindstrom Report, Jul-96

Gregg E. Marshall
"Year 2000: A New Millennium? Or the End of the World As We Know It? The Millennium Bug Waits," The Lewis Report, Jul-96

Gregg E. Marshall
"Year 2000: A New Millennium? Or the End of the World As We Know It? The Millennium Bug Waits," The PSI Report, Jul-96

Gregg E. Marshall
"An Electronic Meeting Place for Reps," REPconnections, July/August 1995

Gregg E. Marshall
"EDI Video Tapes at a Discount," AIM/R News, June/July 1995

Gregg E. Marshall
"An Electronic Meeting Place for Reps," AIM/R News, June/July 1995

Gregg E. Marshall
"Denver Airport Rumors Debunked," AIM/RNews, April/May 1995

Gregg E. Marshall

Gregg E. Marshall
"A Tale of Two EDI Implementations," DBMS, Dec-94

Gregg E. Marshall
"Portable Computers, The Modern Road Warrior's Weapon," AgencySales, Oct-94

Gregg E. Marshall
"EDI Update," AIM/R News, April/May 1994

Gregg E. Marshall
"A DataFlex User Looks At PowerFlex," PowerLines, February/March 1994

Gregg E. Marshall
"EDI Update," AIM/R News, Dec-93

Gregg E. Marshall
"EDICA's EDI Seminar," AIM/R News, Dec-93

Gregg E. Marshall
"Accessing DataFlex Data through Your Word Processor," FlexLines, Nov-93

Gregg E. Marshall
"80 Down and Many To Go," Agency Sales, Oct-93

Gregg E. Marshall
"Word Processing for Agents," Agency Sales, Sep-93

Gregg E. Marshall
"Solving the Closest Dealer Problem," FlexLines, Aug-93

Gregg E. Marshall
"Word for Windows Meets Powerflex / Dataflex Files Part 3," PowerLines, Aug-93

Gregg E. Marshall
"Word for Windows Meets Powerflex / Dataflex Files Part 2," PowerLines, Jul-93

Gregg E. Marshall
"Word for Windows Meets Powerflex / Dataflex Files," PowerLines, May/June 1993

Gregg E. Marshall
"Comdex Fall 1992," Flex Users Journal, January/February 1993

Gregg E. Marshall
"DataFlex Does FAX," FlexLines, September/October 1992

Gregg E. Marshall
"Tools & Techniques Data Junction," Flex Users Journal, August/September 1992

Gregg E. Marshall
"Brainshare 92," Flex Users Journal, July/August 1992

Gregg E. Marshall
"Low-Cost Scanning Options, Part 3 -or- The (Almost) Never-Ending ScannerStory," FlexLines, June/July 1992

Gregg E. Marshall
"DEMOKEY - a VGA to VIDEO Device," Flex Users Journal, May/June 1992

Gregg E. Marshall
"Tools and Techniques Data Junction," FlexLines, April/May 1992

Gregg E. Marshall
"Low Cost Scanning Options, Part 2," FlexLines, April/May 1992

Gregg E. Marshall
"Comdex Report," DNews, Mar-92

Gregg E. Marshall
"Low-Cost Scanning Options for DataFlex," FlexLines, February/March 1992

Gregg E. Marshall
"Information Technologies," The Wholesaler, Feb-92

Gregg E. Marshall
"Comdex Fall 1991," Flex Users Journal, January/Februrary 1992

Gregg E. Marshall
"Bar Code Reading with Wedges," ID Systems, Dec-91

Gregg E. Marshall
"DF-DOC, Keeping Track of It All," Flex Users Journal, November/December 1991

Gregg E. Marshall
"The Bar Code Primer, Part 2," Flex Users Journal, September/October 1991

Gregg E. Marshall
"The Bar Code Primer, Part 1," Flex Users Journal, July/August 1991

Gregg E. Marshall
"2E/Spring Software Review," FlexLines, May/June 1991

Gregg E. Marshall
"A First Look at 2E/Spring Software's Complete Product Offerings," FlexUsers Journal, January/February 1991

Gregg E. Marshall
"Auto ID in the DOS Environment," ID Systems, Nov-90

Gregg E. Marshall
"Keeping Track of It All Part II, DF-DOC Version 3.5," FlexLines, May/June 1990

Gregg E. Marshall
"Getting It Right Faster: TheSequel," DataFlex Downunder, May-90

Gregg E. Marshall
"FlexRef," FlexLines, March/April 1990

Gregg E. Marshall
"Getting It Right -- Faster: Flexview 2.0c," DataFlex Downunder, Feb-90

Gregg E. Marshall
"DFXPRESS," DataFlex Downunder, Dec-89

Gregg E. Marshall
"Reporting in DataFlex," DataFlex Downunder, Oct-89

Gregg E. Marshall
"Reports in a Different Order," FlexLines, September/October 1989

Gregg E. Marshall
"Bar Code Technology and DataFlex, Part IV," FlexLines, September/October 1989

Gregg E. Marshall
"Keeping Track of It All With DF-DOC," FlexLines, July/August 1989

Gregg E. Marshall
"Talking DataFlex," FlexLines, July/August 1989

Gregg E. Marshall
"The Big News," FlexLines, May/June 1989

Gregg E. Marshall
"A Very Successful DataFlex Developers Conference," FlexLines, May/June 1989

Gregg E. Marshall
"Simple Bar Code Reading," FlexLines, May/June 1989

Gregg E. Marshall
"Communications, Data and Applications," FlexLines, March/April 1989

Gregg E. Marshall
"Shirt Pocket Data Collection," FlexLines, January/February 1989

Gregg E. Marshall
"Creating a New DataFlex Directory (and Other DFPATH Mysteries)," FlexLines, January/February 1989

Gregg E. Marshall
"The Bar Code Primer," FlexLines, November/December 1988

Gregg E. Marshall
"FileMove -- An Improvement Over DFFILE," FlexLines, November/December 1988

Gregg E. Marshall
"Attention All FMAC Programmers, Understanding FMAC is Here!," FlexLines, September/October 1988

Gregg E. Marshall
"Getting it Right -- Faster: Flexview," FlexLines, September/October 1988

Gregg E. Marshall
"Staying Current With DataFlex," FlexLines, September/October 1988

Gregg E. Marshall
"When the DataFlex Manual, Encyclopedia and Primers Just Aren'tEnough," FlexLines, July/August 1988

Gregg E. Marshall
"Internal Date Format," DataFlex Index, Jul-88

Gregg E. Marshall
"PowerMac...Expanding DataFlex," FlexLines, March/April 1988

Gregg E. Marshall
"There's More to REPORT than the Manual Says," FlexLines, March/April 1988

Walter Nickel, Dewayne Guidinger, Arther Brown, Boy Iwao and Gregg E.Marshall
"A High-Performance Microprocessor-Controlled Gas Chromatograph," AmericanLaboratory, May-81

Stanley Reynolds, Tim Pemberton and Gregg E. Marshall
"Controlling a Varian Gas or Liquid Chromatograph With a Laboratory Computer," Varian Instrument Division Technical Bulletin 81-106, 1981

Gregg E. Marshall
"DAL: Data Acquisition Language," Dr. Dobbs Journal, Nov-79

Gregg E. Marshall
"A Floppy Disk Based File Management Peripheral," M.S. Thesis, University of Colorado,Boulder, May-79

Gregg E. Marshall and Richard H. Winkler
"Tektronix Pictures Using NOVA Basic," NOAA Technical Memorandum ERLAL-8, Mar-77

Gregg E. Marshall
"Metastable Dissociation of Multiply Charged Inorganic Ions," prepared as part of a directed studies course at the University of Utah, May-74

Gregg E. Marshall
"A Method for Determining Particulates in the Atmosphere," presentedat the 9th Intermountain Junior Humanities and Science Symposium, University of Utah, Mar-71
