Articles by Gregg Marshall
(see also blogging)
Gregg E. Marshall
"Ignorance is Bliss, Or How to Guarantee Poor Performance for the Systems Money You Spend," The Lewis Report, May-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"In-house Computer Network Cuts Time Walking Around, Saves on Hardware Needs," The Wholesaler, May-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"Let Me Count the Ways You'll Cut Costs Using an Electronic Catalogue," The Wholesaler, Apr-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"Find a Better Internet Service Provider," The Wholesaler, Mar-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"Modems because Your Computer Needs an On-line Gateway," The Wholesaler, Feb-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"Low-Cost Scanning Options?Part 2," Agency Sales, Feb-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"Computers and Reps," AIM/R News, January/February 1997
Gregg E. Marshall
"Low-Cost Scanning Options?Part 1," Agency Sales, Jan-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"Will Your Computers Make the 'Leap' to the Millenium?," TheWholesaler, Jan-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"Are you sure your computer isn't a bridge to the 19thCentury? Alas if it is," TheWholesaler, Dec-96
Gregg E. Marshall
"You're Going To Teach Me How To Sell???," Agency Sales, Dec-96
Gregg E. Marshall
"Selecting An Internet Service Provider," Hotline, November/December 1996
Gregg E. Marshall
"Putting Your Company on the World Wide Web," ASA News, November/December 1996
Gregg E. Marshall
"Try e-mail, you'll love it; here's how to get it free," TheWholesaler, Nov-96
Gregg E. Marshall
"Computers and Reps," Agency Sales, Nov-96
Gregg E. Marshall
"'Upgrade' your software by training your people," The Wholesaler, Oct-96
Gregg E. Marshall
"A Rep's Guide to the Internet," Hotline, September/October 1996
Gregg E. Marshall
"Manufacturers, You Need Both Source ASA and the Internet," ASANews, September/October 1996
Gregg E. Marshall
"In software, what's next will be on display at NEX," TheWholesaler, Sep-96
Gregg E. Marshall
"See You on the Information Superhighway," ASA News, July/August 1996
Gregg E. Marshall
"A Rep's Advice on Purchasing Computers," Hotline, July/August 1996
Gregg E. Marshall
"A Rep's Advice On Purchasing Computers," Hotline, July/August 1996
Gregg E. Marshall
"Year 2000: A New Millennium? Or the End of the World As We Know It? The Millennium Bug Waits," The Lindstrom Report, Jul-96
Gregg E. Marshall
"Year 2000: A New Millennium? Or the End of the World As We Know It? The Millennium Bug Waits," The Lewis Report, Jul-96
Gregg E. Marshall
"Year 2000: A New Millennium? Or the End of the World As We Know It? The Millennium Bug Waits," The PSI Report, Jul-96
Gregg E. Marshall
"An Electronic Meeting Place for Reps," REPconnections, July/August 1995
Gregg E. Marshall
"EDI Video Tapes at a Discount," AIM/R News, June/July 1995
Gregg E. Marshall
"An Electronic Meeting Place for Reps," AIM/R News, June/July 1995
Gregg E. Marshall
"Denver Airport Rumors Debunked," AIM/RNews, April/May 1995
Gregg E. Marshall
Gregg E. Marshall
"A Tale of Two EDI Implementations," DBMS, Dec-94
Gregg E. Marshall
"Portable Computers, The Modern Road Warrior's Weapon," AgencySales, Oct-94
Gregg E. Marshall
"EDI Update," AIM/R News, April/May 1994
Gregg E. Marshall
"A DataFlex User Looks At PowerFlex," PowerLines, February/March 1994
Gregg E. Marshall
"EDI Update," AIM/R News, Dec-93
Gregg E. Marshall
"EDICA's EDI Seminar," AIM/R News, Dec-93
Gregg E. Marshall
"Accessing DataFlex Data through Your Word Processor," FlexLines, Nov-93
Gregg E. Marshall
"80 Down and Many To Go," Agency Sales, Oct-93
Gregg E. Marshall
"Word Processing for Agents," Agency Sales, Sep-93
Gregg E. Marshall
"Solving the Closest Dealer Problem," FlexLines, Aug-93
Gregg E. Marshall
"Word for Windows Meets Powerflex / Dataflex Files Part 3," PowerLines, Aug-93
Gregg E. Marshall
"Word for Windows Meets Powerflex / Dataflex Files Part 2," PowerLines, Jul-93
Gregg E. Marshall
"Word for Windows Meets Powerflex / Dataflex Files," PowerLines, May/June 1993
Gregg E. Marshall
"Comdex Fall 1992," Flex Users Journal, January/February 1993
Gregg E. Marshall
"DataFlex Does FAX," FlexLines, September/October 1992
Gregg E. Marshall
"Tools & Techniques Data Junction," Flex Users Journal, August/September 1992
Gregg E. Marshall
"Brainshare 92," Flex Users Journal, July/August 1992
Gregg E. Marshall
"Low-Cost Scanning Options, Part 3 -or- The (Almost) Never-Ending ScannerStory," FlexLines, June/July 1992
Gregg E. Marshall
"DEMOKEY - a VGA to VIDEO Device," Flex Users Journal, May/June 1992
Gregg E. Marshall
"Tools and Techniques Data Junction," FlexLines, April/May 1992
Gregg E. Marshall
"Low Cost Scanning Options, Part 2," FlexLines, April/May 1992
Gregg E. Marshall
"Comdex Report," DNews, Mar-92
Gregg E. Marshall
"Low-Cost Scanning Options for DataFlex," FlexLines, February/March 1992
Gregg E. Marshall
"Information Technologies," The Wholesaler, Feb-92
Gregg E. Marshall
"Comdex Fall 1991," Flex Users Journal, January/Februrary 1992
Gregg E. Marshall
"Bar Code Reading with Wedges," ID Systems, Dec-91
Gregg E. Marshall
"DF-DOC, Keeping Track of It All," Flex Users Journal, November/December 1991
Gregg E. Marshall
"The Bar Code Primer, Part 2," Flex Users Journal, September/October 1991
Gregg E. Marshall
"The Bar Code Primer, Part 1," Flex Users Journal, July/August 1991
Gregg E. Marshall
"2E/Spring Software Review," FlexLines, May/June 1991
Gregg E. Marshall
"A First Look at 2E/Spring Software's Complete Product Offerings," FlexUsers Journal, January/February 1991
Gregg E. Marshall
"Auto ID in the DOS Environment," ID Systems, Nov-90
Gregg E. Marshall
"Keeping Track of It All Part II, DF-DOC Version 3.5," FlexLines, May/June 1990
Gregg E. Marshall
"Getting It Right Faster: TheSequel," DataFlex Downunder, May-90
Gregg E. Marshall
"FlexRef," FlexLines, March/April 1990
Gregg E. Marshall
"Getting It Right -- Faster: Flexview 2.0c," DataFlex Downunder, Feb-90
Gregg E. Marshall
"DFXPRESS," DataFlex Downunder, Dec-89
Gregg E. Marshall
"Reporting in DataFlex," DataFlex Downunder, Oct-89
Gregg E. Marshall
"Reports in a Different Order," FlexLines, September/October 1989
Gregg E. Marshall
"Bar Code Technology and DataFlex, Part IV," FlexLines, September/October 1989
Gregg E. Marshall
"Keeping Track of It All With DF-DOC," FlexLines, July/August 1989
Gregg E. Marshall
"Talking DataFlex," FlexLines, July/August 1989
Gregg E. Marshall
"The Big News," FlexLines, May/June 1989
Gregg E. Marshall
"A Very Successful DataFlex Developers Conference," FlexLines, May/June 1989
Gregg E. Marshall
"Simple Bar Code Reading," FlexLines, May/June 1989
Gregg E. Marshall
"Communications, Data and Applications," FlexLines, March/April 1989
Gregg E. Marshall
"Shirt Pocket Data Collection," FlexLines, January/February 1989
Gregg E. Marshall
"Creating a New DataFlex Directory (and Other DFPATH Mysteries)," FlexLines, January/February 1989
Gregg E. Marshall
"The Bar Code Primer," FlexLines, November/December 1988
Gregg E. Marshall
"FileMove -- An Improvement Over DFFILE," FlexLines, November/December 1988
Gregg E. Marshall
"Attention All FMAC Programmers, Understanding FMAC is Here!," FlexLines, September/October 1988
Gregg E. Marshall
"Getting it Right -- Faster: Flexview," FlexLines, September/October 1988
Gregg E. Marshall
"Staying Current With DataFlex," FlexLines, September/October 1988
Gregg E. Marshall
"When the DataFlex Manual, Encyclopedia and Primers Just Aren'tEnough," FlexLines, July/August 1988
Gregg E. Marshall
"Internal Date Format," DataFlex Index, Jul-88
Gregg E. Marshall
"PowerMac...Expanding DataFlex," FlexLines, March/April 1988
Gregg E. Marshall
"There's More to REPORT than the Manual Says," FlexLines, March/April 1988
Walter Nickel, Dewayne Guidinger, Arther Brown, Boy Iwao and Gregg E.Marshall
"A High-Performance Microprocessor-Controlled Gas Chromatograph," AmericanLaboratory, May-81
Stanley Reynolds, Tim Pemberton and Gregg E. Marshall
"Controlling a Varian Gas or Liquid Chromatograph With a Laboratory Computer," Varian Instrument Division Technical Bulletin 81-106, 1981
Gregg E. Marshall
"DAL: Data Acquisition Language," Dr. Dobbs Journal, Nov-79
Gregg E. Marshall
"A Floppy Disk Based File Management Peripheral," M.S. Thesis, University of Colorado,Boulder, May-79
Gregg E. Marshall and Richard H. Winkler
"Tektronix Pictures Using NOVA Basic," NOAA Technical Memorandum ERLAL-8, Mar-77
Gregg E. Marshall
"Metastable Dissociation of Multiply Charged Inorganic Ions," prepared as part of a directed studies course at the University of Utah, May-74
Gregg E. Marshall
"A Method for Determining Particulates in the Atmosphere," presentedat the 9th Intermountain Junior Humanities and Science Symposium, University of Utah, Mar-71