
Operational Excellence with Technology

Using New Technology as a Strategic Business Tool

Find out what's hot in the world of technology and, more importantly, how your rep firm can best use existing and new technology to improve your productivity, performance and profitability.

This session will look at opportunities from a practical perspective. We'll look at common productivity software and how it can leverage your sales efforts. What software are reps most commonly using? What are your back office options? What options are there for contact managers? How can you use Excel for Sales Analysis? What about practical tips for making PowerPoint more useful for selling?

We'll also help you keep track of new trends in technology. What is going on with wireless, both local computer and cell phone technologies? How can you use GPS in your sales agency? Will the new tablet PC have a role in sales agencies? What software is available for your handheld computer (iPhone or Android). Digital cameras are dropping in price, so is the cost of producing professional quality video. You can now carry your data on your key chain with solid state key disks, or record a three day meeting on a pocket sized digital recorder.