Articles by Gregg Marshall
(see also blogging)
Gregg E. Marshall
"CEO Express," The Insider, 4-Sep-08
Gregg E. Marshall
"Free Conference Calling," Pipes Valves and Fittings, 28-Aug-08
Gregg E. Marshall
"Best Practices: Aligning Your Company to Get the Most Out of Your Reps," MAFSI Rep Report, 20-Aug-08
Gregg E. Marshall
"CEO Express," Pipes Valves and Fittings, 14-Aug-08
Gregg E. Marshall
"Kayak," The Insider, 7-Aug-08
Gregg E. Marshall
"How To Obtain The Best Airfare," Pipes Valves and Fittings, 30-Jul-08
Gregg E. Marshall
"How To Obtain The Best Airfare," The Insider, 30-Jul-08
Gregg E. Marshall
"Have You Backed up Your Computer?," Pipes Valves and Fittings, 17-Jul-08
Gregg E. Marshall
"How To Obtain The Best Airfare," The Insider, 10-Jul-08
Gregg E. Marshall
">Let Your Computer Do Your Typing," Supply House Times, Jul-08
Gregg E. Marshall
"New techno-tools for better repping," Sales Rep Advisor, Jul-06
Gregg E. Marshall
"The Hi-Tech Rep," Greetings Magazine Supply Side Supplement, May-06
Gregg E. Marshall
"Move over, James Bond," The Wholesaler, May-06
Gregg E. Marshall
"Your PC on your keychain," The Wholesaler, Apr-06
Gregg E. Marshall
"New solutions to back up data," The Wholesaler, Mar-06
Gregg E. Marshall
"New tools make backing up easier," The Wholesaler, Jan-06
Gregg E. Marshall
"Tech Bit-Rayovac Batteries," OutFront, Winter 2005
Gregg E. Marshall
"Get a pocket full of knowledge," The Wholesaler, Oct-04
Gregg E. Marshall
"Digital cameras make it a snap to document what would require thousandsof words," The Wholesaler, Apr-04
Gregg E. Marshall
"Every Manufacturer Needs a CTO (And Some Reps Do Too)," OutFront, Winter 2003
Gregg E. Marshall
"Strengthening the Relationship: From a Principal's Perspective," CPSAagentExchange, Dec-03
Gregg E. Marshall
"An In-Depth Look At a Rep-Specific Software Package, Part 3," AgencySales, Sep-03
Gregg E. Marshall
"An In-Depth Look At a Rep-Specific Software Package, Part 2," AgencySales, Aug-03
Gregg E. Marshall
"An In-Depth Look At a Rep-Specific Software Package," AgencySales, Jul-03
Gregg E. Marshall
"Communications for the Future Part 2-Web Based CustomerService," OutFront, Summer 2003
Gregg E. Marshall
"Wireless: It's fast, it's handy...and it's coming really soon," The Wholesaler, Jun-03
Gregg E. Marshall
"EDI Isn't For Dweebs; It's Effective Cost Control For You and Me," WinRepNewsWire, Apr-03
Gregg E. Marshall
"Communications for the Future Part 1-Electronic Information," OutFront, Spring 2003
Gregg E. Marshall
"Do You Know How Much It's Costing You To Not Move Into ElectronicCommerce?," WinRep NewsWire, Mar-03
Gregg E. Marshall
"Back to the Future?," WinRep NewsWire, Feb-03
Gregg E. Marshall
"It's Time to Become a Movie Producer," Agency Sales, Feb-03
Gregg E. Marshall
"Every Manufacturer Needs a CTO (And Some Reps Do Too)," AgencySales, Jan-03
Gregg E. Marshall
"Upgrade Your Computer System-Train Your Users," The Communicator, October/November 2002
Gregg E. Marshall
"Building Better Agent Programs," Channels, Oct-02
Gregg E. Marshall
"Aligning Your Company to Get the Most Out of Your Reps," AgencySales, Oct-02
Gregg E. Marshall
"Preparing For A Disaster?," Agency Sales, Sep-02
Gregg E. Marshall
"Upgrade Your Computer System-Train Your Users," Agency Sales, Aug-02
Gregg E. Marshall
"Improving Sales Partnerships With Technology," Agency Sales, Jul-02
Gregg E. Marshall
"Building Relationships with Customers," Agency Sales, Jun-02
Gregg E. Marshall
"Every Company Needs A Chief Technology Officer," FrontRange Techbiz, 28-Jan-02
Gregg E. Marshall
"Are you ready for a disaster?," The Wholesaler, Dec-01
Gregg E. Marshall
"Is your technology guy a true IT manager or just a 'techie'?," TheWholesaler, Jun-01
Gregg E. Marshall
"Become a movie producer: videopresentations within reach of all," The Wholesaler, Apr-01
Gregg E. Marshall
"Sell more stuff with the help of PowerPoint tools," TheWholesaler, Mar-01
Gregg E. Marshall
"Improve sales partnerships with software," The Wholesaler, Feb-01
Gregg E. Marshall
"Back To The Future?," Agency Sales, Feb-01
Gregg E. Marshall
"Customer relationship management offers intimacy of the old cornerstore," The Wholesaler, Jan-01
Gregg E. Marshall
"On-line ed. Holds key to raising the level of industry training," TheWholesaler, Dec-00
Gregg E. Marshall
"Portals are your doorway to web-based 'B2B' sales, purchases, and much,much more," The Wholesaler, Sep-00
Gregg E. Marshall
"Electronic Commerce and Its Impact on the Multiple-Line RepresentativeFunction," Agency Sales, Aug-00
Gregg E. Marshall
"The 'net too slow for you? Here'resome fast link-ups," The Wholesaler, Jul-00
Gregg E. Marshall
"Want to use the 'net more but can't stand all the waiting?," TheWholesaler, Jun-00
Gregg E. Marshall
"Internet-Based Customer Service Opportunities," Agency Sales, May-00
Gregg E. Marshall
"It's time for tradition to make way for innovation," TheWholesaler, Mar-00
Gregg E. Marshall
"Be like FedEx? Offer yourcustomers online automated customer self-service," The Wholesaler, Feb-00
Gregg E. Marshall
"Here are some last-minute backup ideas for the new millennium," TheWholesaler, Dec-99
Gregg E. Marshall
"There's no reason to ignore EDI when it's so good for cuttingcosts," The Wholesaler, Nov-99
Gregg E. Marshall
"An Idea Whose Time Has Come," Supply House Times, Oct-99
Gregg E. Marshall
"Setting up for EDI is getting easier, and cheaper, all the time," The Wholesaler, Oct-99
Gregg E. Marshall
"You don't need barcoding to reap the benefits of UPC numbering," The Wholesaler, Aug-99
Gregg E. Marshall
"EDI format tailored to our industry will make e-commerce setups a breezefor wholesalers," The Wholesaler, Jul-99
Gregg E. Marshall
"Today's presentation projectors help you get your point across veryclearly," The Wholesaler, Jun-99
Gregg E. Marshall
"PowerPoint takes presentations beyond yesterday's best audio/visualtechniques," The Wholesaler, Apr-99
Gregg E. Marshall
"Try out a CD-ROM catalog, and you'll get electronic religion fast," The Wholesaler, Mar-99
Gregg E. Marshall
"Finding the Right Software," Agency Sales, Feb-99
Gregg E. Marshall
"ASA Center for Advancing Technology redefines Source ASA+ future," ASANews, January/February 1999
Gregg E. Marshall
"'Source' mfr. Catalog on CD-ROM is cheap, quick, comprehensive,web-ready," The Wholesaler, Jan-99
Gregg E. Marshall
"Manufacturers will find it hard to say no to ASA's improved 'Source'CD-ROM catalog," The Wholesaler, Dec-98
Gregg E. Marshall
"Electronic commerce solutions," ASA News, September/October 1998
Gregg E. Marshall
"Y2K 'bug' is bound to bite your business one way or another," The Wholesaler, Sep-98
Gregg E. Marshall
"What Software Should I Buy?," Hotline, July/August 1998
Gregg E. Marshall
"Should Your Agency Be On The Web?," MRA Newsline, Jul-98
Gregg E. Marshall
"Help from above for your directionally challenged drivers, outsidesalesmen," The Wholesaler, Jul-98
Gregg E. Marshall
"Not backing up files? You'reliving dangerously," The Wholesaler, Jun-98
Gregg E. Marshall
"Avoid Upgrading Your Computer System By Training Your Users, Part2," Hotline, May/June 1998
Gregg E. Marshall
"Amaze yourself, others; create pro-quality presentations with easy-to-usesofware," The Wholesaler, May-98
Gregg E. Marshall
"PowerPoint presentation software. Easy to use, hard to beat for the training we need," TheWholesaler, Apr-98
Gregg E. Marshall
"It's easier to solve a maze when you can see over the walls," ASANews, March/April 1998
Gregg E. Marshall
"Avoid Upgrading Your Computer System By Training Your Users," Hotline, March/April 1998
Gregg E. Marshall
"Entry-level web presence costs little but prepares you for bigtime'e-commerce' that's inevitable," The Wholesaler, Mar-98
Gregg E. Marshall
"A basic presence on the web is easy and inexpensive," TheWholesaler, Feb-98
Gregg E. Marshall
Gregg E. Marshall
"Yesterday's dreams of fantasy are productivity tools today," TheWholesaler, Jan-98
Gregg E. Marshall
"Finding Information on the Internet," HIRA Communicator, Dec-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"Online Shopping Saves Time and, Trust Me, It's Secure," TheWholesaler, Dec-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"Should Your Agency Be On The Web?," Hotline, November/December 1997
Gregg E. Marshall
"Here's How Your Website Can Slash Your Printed Materials Costs," TheWholesaler, Nov-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"EDI Isn't For Dweebs; It's Effective Cost Control For You and Me," TheWholesaler, Oct-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"Using Web Search Application Programs," Hotline, September/October 1997
Gregg E. Marshall
"Do You Know How Much It's Costing You To Not Move Into ElectronicCommerce?," The Wholesaler, Sep-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"Finding Information on the Internet, Part II," Hotline, July/August 1997
Gregg E. Marshall
"Don't Enter Into Anonymous Online Relationships Without Protection," The Wholesaler, Jul-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"You're Going To Teach Me How To Sell???," Maintenance Supplies, Jul-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"Should Your Agency Be On The Web?," HIRA Communicator, Jun-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"Diversity, Innovation Mark World's Biggest PHC Show," TheWholesaler, Jun-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"Let Me Count the Ways You'll Cut Costs Using an ElectronicCatalogue," STAFDA Quarterly Computer Report, Jun-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"Network Your Computers to Get More Productivity Than They Deliver Separately," The Wholesaler, Jun-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"Finding Information on the Internet," Hotline, May/June1997
Gregg E. Marshall
"Ignorance is Bliss, Or How to Guarantee Poor Performance for the Systems Money You Spend," The Lindstrom Report, May-97
Gregg E. Marshall
"Ignorance is Bliss, Or How to Guarantee Poor Performance for the Systems Money You Spend," The PSI Report, May-97