
Operational Excellence with Technology

Using the Internet as a Tool

Feel behind the electronic commerce 8-ball? Know you really should be using the Internet in your business, but can't afford that 8-figure e-commerce proposal? Instead of looking at the big threats and opportunities from the Internet, this session will look at options from a practical perspective.

If you don't have a web site, should you? What should you expect from your web site? What are other manufacturers doing with their web sites? Are there inexpensive ways to create and maintain web sites? You can use your web site to have a company intranet.

We'll look at using the web. You can research customers, including getting credit reports. Many manufacturers are giving their reps access to order status, inventory availability and even order entry via the web. We'll look at examples and see how easy they are to set up. We'll also look at options for manufacturers and reps to put literature and other information on the web for customers.

What about transferring other sales information via the web? Or doing your commission tracking, sales analysis, sales automation or accounting using web based or Application Service Provider based services.

The Internet isn't likely to replace outside sales, but it will change the way products get to market. Learn how to leverage the Internet in your sales efforts.